My Final Design Project 2018

Aircraft Museum

Aircraft Museum

Date: Feb. 2018

Site Area: 9000 sq meters

Location : Mashhad, Iran

Type: Academic, Final Design

Grade : 19.5 from 20

Master : Eng. Vafaee

Khayyam University of Mashhad

Concept Description

The high-tech aircraft museum in Mashhad, Iran is a state-of-the-art facility that celebrates the rich history and technological advancements of the aviation industry. The museum's architecture and technical features are designed to create a dynamic and immersive experience for visitors, while also harmonizing with the surrounding environment.

The museum's exposed structure is a key feature of its design, showcasing the latest in architectural and engineering techniques. The use of exposed steel beams and concrete columns creates a striking visual effect, emphasizing the museum's connection to the high-tech aviation industry. The design also incorporates large windows and skylights, allowing natural light to flood the space and providing stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

The museum's facade is another standout feature, using specialized panels that can adjust themselves to the angle of sunlight. This innovative design not only creates a dynamic visual display, but also helps to regulate the internal temperature of the museum, reducing energy consumption and costs. The use of advanced materials and technologies in the facade also emphasizes the museum's commitment to innovation and cutting-edge technology.

Inside, the museum is designed to provide an engaging and interactive experience for visitors. The exhibition spaces are arranged thematically, with each section focusing on a particular aspect of aviation history or technology. The exhibits feature a range of artifacts, from early aviation pioneers to the latest aircraft designs, as well as interactive displays that allow visitors to experience flight and aviation technology in a hands-on way.

The technical features of the museum include a range of advanced technologies, such as augmented reality displays, interactive projections, and advanced sound systems. These technologies are integrated seamlessly into the exhibition spaces, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the history and technology of aviation.

Overall, the high-tech aircraft museum in Mashhad, Iran is a unique and innovative space that celebrates the evolution and future of aviation technology. Its striking design and advanced technical features make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the history and advancements of the aviation industry.

Design 4 ( semester 7) 2017

University Hostle

University Hostel

Date: Feb. 2017

Location : Mashhad, Iran

Site Area: 11000 sq meters

Type: Academic, 4th Design

Grade : 19.5 from 20

Master : Eng. Vafaee

Khayyam University of Mashhad

Concept Description

Buildings can have a model reflection on society. Therefore, paying attention to the goals of sustainable development in their design will lead to disseminating sustainable architectural standards in society. The application of the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development goals to reduce energy waste and environmental pollution in architecture has created a topic called "sustainable architecture". In this type of architecture, the building not only adapts to the climatic conditions of its area but also interacts with it, "Buildings are like birds that cover their feathers in winter and adapt to new environmental conditions. "They adjust their metabolism accordingly."

Environmental issues have had a significant impact on contemporary architecture. An architecture that is highly efficient and, at the same time, treats its environment and context properly. Landscape enters the conversation as an option for linking full and empty objects between architecture and the city.

Applying the principles of indigenous architecture according to modern technology (rather than imitating and replicating it) and increasing the readability of urban space promote social interactions. This project aimed to increase the relationship between the building and the context while instilling a sense of belonging in the project audience. Since this use of project was a student dormitory, the plan was designed to create interactive and multi-purpose spaces.

Environmental issues have had a significant impact on contemporary architecture. An architecture that is highly efficient and, at the same time, treats its environment and context properly. Landscape enters the conversation as an option for linking full and empty objects between architecture and the city.

Every project needs a structure that defines the whole shape of the building; then, the details are formed. In the process of designing the facade of this project, brick was emphasized as a native material. With the help of a deconstructive layout, steps were taken to create a simple and, at the same time, different facade.

Academic project 2018

The Urban Zone Development Plan

The Urban Zone Development Plan

Date: 2018

Type: Academic project of “Introduction to Principle of Physics Environment” course

Location : Mashhad, Iran

Architectural Competition 2021

Residential Project in Tehran

Each structure is a small sample of society, so by this hypothesis, it should be able to eliminate needs among families with various incomes and populations. Noticing this point led to avoiding designing typical plans to support different families and people. Predicting two floors with two-three bedroomed flats in each, a duplex flat and one tiny studio flat was because of this requirement.

Façade Concept

Emphasis on stairs form in the structure's facade made this chance to change stairs with a platform to green spaces and spectacular patios and terraces inside and outside the project; also, it led to a challenge between architecture with movement.

Amirieh had a worn-out vicinity, and most buildings had brick facades. In designing the mentioned project, noticing the history and antiquity of context was very determinate. Also, to respect the adjacent neighborhood, brick has been chosen as the primary material for the building’s facade. Using some of the old bricks from the previous construction in the new project was a new birth hypothesis (TavalodiDigar). The old bricks in the new project are a sign of the past, and the project has acted as a Palimpsest; indeed, we can find old stories from its faint lines on the building. In this design, there was an attempt to make an exchange between the building and the surrounding emotion and provoking willing to discover in the viewer. Building cognizance and willingness to be in the challenge is a climax in this design.